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A pastor Got A Woman Pregnant In an Act of Adultery

The court ordered a 64 years old pastor who impregnated a woman in an act of adultery to give me with wife enough money for upkeep. Mr. Joshua Aranse said, what he did was due to sex starvation. He even asked the court's president to separate them that he no longer love his wife.

Dear readers, a lot is really happening and I wonder what will be going on right now in the heart of his member.

Here is what his wife said “My husband has not set his eyes on his three children since June 30, 2014. He refused to pay their school fees. They no longer go to school because I do not have money to send them to school.

“He sold our car and gave the money to the woman he impregnated. He has refused to take care of the children and me.

Do you think he is really a man of God?

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